Monday, February 10, 2014

Handling Grief

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.”
Marcel Proust

Grief is a powerful and sometimes a destructive emotion, which is a person’s natural reaction towards the loss of someone or something important. Many people tend to feel a sense of numbness, which blocks the subconscious mind from letting emotions and feelings take control, which ultimately results in immense pain. For a short period of time, it is emotionally satisfying to know that you are capable of handling the tragic loss of someone without getting affected. Although, the human mind would not be able to hide such pain for a long while, and when the pain is too much you will start to lose control of your actions.
   Every person handles grief differently, you might let it all out and cry for so long or you might not feel these emotions just yet. Either way, do not force yourself to cry or let the emotions out because it is the state that you are supposed to be in at that moment and when you are ready, your body and mind will allow these emotions and feelings to come to you.
   Allow yourself to feel any emotion it wants after the loss of someone. It is okay to feel any emotion so do not worry when you cannot feel a certain emotion you are expecting to feel. Keep in mind that the numbness you might feel is only trying to protect you from yourself and help you process everything in its time.  Have someone be there for; listen to you, support you and help you. Do not be afraid to show your vulnerability because even the strongest people have a breaking point.
   Within time you will be able to fully recover and start living your life once again. It is completely normal and okay to ask for help when needed because there is nothing more rewarding than to feel a sense of healing when all you’ve known for so long was pain.
   "Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion."  Buddha


1 comment:

  1. i love this so much i think butterflies are flying my stomach because of happiness ))))
