Monday, February 10, 2014

You Are Who You Are

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter
don't mind.”

  Often times, people will tell you what to do or say in a certain situation.  And you will tend to follow what they say due to the amount of respect you have for them. Even so, you have to keep in mind that everybody is entitled to their opinions and emotions as long as they don’t offend or insult anyone. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want without hiding it, and do what makes you happy.
   In despite of that many people possibly you, might struggle with finding true happiness within yourself. But what you don’t know is that, the key to your happiness lies in between your own hands. The key to finding happiness is focusing on you, heeding all your emotions and feelings and never disregarding them. You need to trust your feelings and take the chances. How many times have you known what you’re feeling but got talked into doing the opposite? Ultimately, resulting in things not working out and you regretting your actions? If you cannot trust yourself enough to lead your own life, there is something wrong. Losing happiness for a period of time is inevitable, but restoring that happiness requires time and patience.  Time itself will not mend your heart or restore your happiness; it will just simply give you the time to get back on your feet and learn from the past.
  Find and accept the things that make you happy. Start to realize that what you’ve got around you is what will and does make you happy, not the result of getting something you don’t have. Do not look for perfection in something or someone but rather look for the imperfections that make them beautiful.  Striving for perfection will never make you happy.
  Find that one thing that empowers you and makes you feel stronger; whether it’s music, praying to God or even working out. Radiate the positivity and strength into the world around you and the people you love, even when you have every right to be negative about something. Toxic thoughts will shatter your happiness and build a concrete wall to separate you from happiness and joy. Do not let it define you, destroy you but rather strengthen you. Whatever the result of something you’ve done might be, make sure to do it with compassion and love because there is nothing better than to know that you’ve done something right. If you continue this cycle of thinking positive everyday, happiness will certainly find its way to you.
  When it’s difficult to find the positive side of things, just remember that you are alive and you are breathing. There is nothing more important in this world than to know that you are capable of living another day and able to do what you love. Be grateful for having another opportunity to do and make something remarkable.
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." 
Howard Thurman

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