Monday, February 10, 2014


“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

   Strength is not just about the physical ability of someone; it is much deeper than that.  It is about the smiles that have struggled through tears, the laughs that have gone through lonely nights and the broken hearts that are looking for hope. Strength is beyond skin and flesh, it’s only found in your soul; where peace and freedom is unleashed.

   Giving up on yourself and all the people that have ever loved you is the easiest thing to do in life, but when you decide to give yourself a second chance to live a beautiful life, that’s strength. You are capable of achieving anything you’ve ever wanted in your life. You deserve to live a life filled with tranquility and serenity. Life is not an easy journey but finding your inner strength through it all is your ultimate destination.

  Follow what your heart and soul desire; they are the sole routes to your strength. Do what you fear the most and let the world decide if you stumble or succeed. Your time on earth is limited, don’t waste it worrying about tomorrow but use it to move on and medicate.

  All the struggles that you have faced through your life and the fears you’ve overcome got you to where you are now. This is not a time to back down and go back to where you were you before.

   You are a stronger person now.
   You are a better person now.

   You have to hold yourself together when things get worse and prepare for the future where all your worries and concerns will be washed away. Keep your head held high and smile. The brighter you smile, the stronger your soul will become.

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